Essential Tips To Become A Better Photographer
With the latest technology, photos taken on your iPhones or tablets are enough for some of you because you want to keep images of your friends and family or vacations spots – quality is not a significant factor. If you are one of a growing number who has decided to do more with photography, the first steps involve studying composition and experimenting a bit, says Richard Reinsdorf . Here are some essential tips to get you in the groove of taking better shots! Don't worry about acquiring expensive gear; focus on learning first. You need to read, study great photographs, and experiment with various professional photographers' techniques. One of the keys to better composition is to avoid putting the primary focus of your picture in the center. On most digital and iPhone cameras, you will find 2 parallel horizontal lines and 2 vertical parallel lines. This is because they divide the picture into 9 segments. Richard Reinsdorf suggests when you focus your camera on the primary imag...